Let's Empower You to build Your Brand,

Authority & Business,

so you can have the life & flexibility you desire

& were Destined to have

Co - Create. Empower. Commitment


Anya here

Just wanted to welcome you into my amazing & Empowered Entrepreneurs

Circle. It is lovely to have you here and share this journey with you.

Having an online business is not bound by borders and brings us all closer.

So you will never feel alone

Having a Global reach is the key to success

I am really passionate in helping you grow your business and also help you build an Empowered life from within.

Having one source of income isn't viable anymore. So I have several options available that have helped me in my journey, to create different income streams.

There is a better way

Free Video Ultimate 6 Figure Income System

Free Video Reveals The 6 Figure Blueprint

Woman Working from Home

Work from Home

Easy - Simple - Proven

Attraction Marketing Blueprint

Work From the Beach

It is lovely to meet you, I am Anya

My Story

A couple of years ago I began my online journey.

I was feeling lost ,disappointed in myself and unaccomplished .

I had given birth to my second child and felt like I couldn't give my children the life they deserve.

I had missed so many precious moments and milestones with my first child because I was working and studying just to improve our lives and live comfortable with the necessary things we needed. But it still wasn't enough.

Making ends meet was still a struggle.

I was working in the Beauty Industry- Makeup Artist and also Pharmacy Assistant, with a prestige brand making my customers look more beautiful. I had made lots of friendships. I believe it was the reason i didn't get out of my comfort zone.

Until the unexpected happened.

New owners took over and got rid of most of the staff, even after they had promised to keep us.

Yes, you guessed it I ended up losing my job.

I didn't have nothing to fall back to. I had been there for so many years and just like that I had nothing.

I felt lost, sad, frustrated and so much emptiness and disappointment .

I have always been super independent and a managed to push through adversities. But at that moment knowing that I couldn't supplement my families income really took an impact on me. Left me feeling so vulnerable.

Going Back in time: I wanted more than anything to break that cycle of not having enough, from a very young age. I had my mind set in having my own business, but with all the challenges life put in front of me, my dream kept been pushed down and somehow forgotten, until this moment mentioned above.

We won't meant to just live & vanishing

I always knew, I was meant for more!

I didn't come from a rich family, I saw my parents struggle to give us everything we needed from a young age, and I took note of that.. my dream was to break that cycle.

At the time I didn't really know how I was going to do that apart from starting my own business as a Hairdresser. Yes, I know Always thinking creatively, as a young person we do that. I did study Hairdressing and continued to build on that dream. But adulthood kicked in and I had responsibilities and things to pay, and I had to go a different path. Adulthood makes us more cautious and afraid of taking chances and following our passions.

Our paradigm gets molded into what society thinks is normal.. and we begin to doubt ourselves and all that we can achieve in fear of getting judge.

At a young age I had so much responsibilities, and my dreams where placed in a backburner.

Until that moment ...I had no job, nothing to offer my family ...well apart from my love that is.

I began to look for ideas on what i could do. I wanted the best of both worlds.. My time freedom, to be able to be there for my family,create treasurable moments together but also support them financially


I got all my things set up in no time, this was possible because having an online business is a lot more affordable than having to rent for a shop and all the products and materials necessary just to start up.

I began trusting in me again, in my dreams and all I could achieve.

My mission became to help others start believing in themselves, their dreams and build a business that can sustain a more empowered way of living.

Things I Learned from my Journey

I learned that investing in ourselves is necessary.

Having an online business requires an investment too.

Finding the right Coach and Mentor shouldn't be questionable

Taking our Business Online is Simple but it requires Commitment to do the work, Time and Knowledge.

Having someone around, that has gone through that process already is ideal, for guidance and to get to success faster.

SO if you think you got what it takes, go out there and get it.

I believe in you!

You were also meant to be here, because you are meant for more.

I am so Grateful that you are here and we can share this journey together.

It's great to meet you...

If you think I can deliver some value to you, don't hesitate to reach out.

Don't let anything stand in your way,

You have the power,strength & courage to succeed. Go out and make your Dreams come true

Your Coach & Mentor


Let's work together.

Copyright © 2023 www.anyaempowered.com

As with any business, results will vary and cannot be guaranteed. All rights Reserved